Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Constitution and Bill of Rights

1st Amendment.
The 1st Amendment states five liberties. The first is the freedom of religion which protects religious practice and makes sure the church doesn't interfere with the state. The second and third liberties are the freedom of speech and press. These are rights to speak, publish, and express one's views. The fourth and fifth liberties are the rights of assembly and petition. These are rights to join with associations to discuss public affairs and influence public policy.
I think this is important because it's about general freedoms that can help a society. It's important that one can practice the religion that they want. It's also important that people can speak freely.

13th Amendment.
The 13th Amendment forbids slavery in the United States except as a punishment for a crime in which not all forms are allowed.
I think this is really important because it ends slavery in the United States. It could have influenced other nations to do so as well.

19th Amendment.
The 19 Amendment states that no one can be denied the right to vote in any election in the U.S. because of their sex.
I think this is important because it is a start to women rights. It's very important that there is no discrimination of women. Women should have the same rights as men. I think this was a turning point in history.

Article III, Section 2, Clause 3
This states that a person accused of a federal crime has the right to trial by jury and that the trial will be held in the state that the crime was committed in.
I think this is important because you have many points of view and opinions that decide if your guilty or innocent instead of just one person. This helps make more sensible and accurate decisions that will put people in their right place.

Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1
This states that only Congress can add States to the Union. A new State can't be made by taking territory from an existing State without consent of the State's legislature.
I think this is important because it can prevent war within the nation. States wouldn't be able to conquer other states. It assures peace.
Images here and here


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