Monday, December 14, 2009

Congressional Reconstruction After the Civil War

Johnson's Reconstruction Plan:
President Johnson's reconstruction plan was named Presidential Reconstruction. He pursued this plan while congress was in recess. It pardoned southerners who swore allegiance to the Union, permitted each state to hold a constitutional convention, and required states to void secession, abolish slavery, and repudiate the Confederate debt. After all this was done, the states were then allowed to hold elections and rejoin the Union. His plan was adapted from Lincoln's reconstruction plan with more generosity towards the south.

Black Codes:
These were laws that severely restricted the freedmen's newfound freedoms and rights. They denied the freed slaves' earned rights. These codes consisted of curfews that restricted people from gathering after sunset, vagrancy laws that said the freedmen needed to work or they would be punished, labor contracts that had to be signed by the freedmen that said they had to work for the whole year and if they quit they would lose their wages, and land restrictions that permitted the freedmen to rent land or homes in rural areas forcing them to live on plantations. These laws were unjust and defeated the whole purpose of freeing the slaves.

14th Amendment:
This amendment was made when President Johnson wanted to veto the Civil Rights Act. Congress decided to build equal rights into the constitution. It defined citizenship and stated that anyone born in the United States is a citizen of it and that the state couldn't make a law that curtailed a citizen's rights or deny the citizen of equal protection from the laws. This stopped the black codes.

Radical Reconstruction:
The Radical Republicans' main goal was to grant African Americans their civil rights. The moderates didn't want this because their were still racial inequalities in the north and they didn't want to impose stricter laws in the South.
White people were being violent towards the freedmen and they killed many of them. Johnson opposed equal rights to African Americans and angry Northerners put Radical Republicans into Congress so they could put their own reconstruction plans into action.
The Radicals in Congress passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867. This act put the south under military rule dividing it into five districts that were governed by Northern generals, ordered southern states to told new election for delegates to create new state constitutions, required states to allow all male voters including African Americans to vote, temporarily bared those who had supported the Confederacy from voting, required southern states to guarantee equal rights to all citizens, and required the states to ratify the 14th Amendment. They later impeached President Johnson because of his lack of will to grant the freedmen their rights and the fact that Johnson's firing of the Secretary of War was unconstitutional. African Americans would later take part in politics.

15th Amendment:
Freedmen started demanding the rights of citizenship such as voting, serving on juries, and testifying in court. This led the Congress, through Radical power, to pass the 15th Amendment to the Constitution. It stated that no citizen may me denied the right to vote by the United States because of their race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

This was the insulting nickname given to northern Republicans who moved to the South. The Southerners felt that these carpetbaggers were profiting from southern misery. They were described as greedy men that wanted to make money but it has been proven that they were well educated men including former union soldiers, black northerners, Freedmen's Bureau officials, businessmen, clergy, and political leaders.

This is also a nickname that was given to white southern Republicans. They were seen as traitors. Some scalawags were former Whigs who had opposed secession and others were small farmers and former planters. Many were poor.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Newspaper Article from 1865 is Found

The Daily American 1865

We face hard times at the end of the Civil War.

The death tolls for the North are 364,000 soldiers including more than 38,000 slaves. The South lost 260,000 soldiers. Many of these men were still young and have left their children and wives behind. This has been of mourning for the entire country.

The Civil War has left the South devastated and the land barren. Former Confederate soldiers have returned home only to find that their houses have been destroyed and that the cities they had lived in were now in ruins.

Southerners are dealing with the loss of their slaves. Managing their plantations has been hard without them. Not only that, but most of the crops have been destroyed and the cattle killed. This caused a plunge in the prices of southern farm properties. Railroads have also been destroyed as well as factories and this has taken a toll on the South’s economy.

African Americans in the South that have recently been freed are struggling to survive. They have found themselves without food, shelter, or a job. Some slaves have chosen to stay and work at the plantations in exchange for food and shelter. Some white men have been unlawful towards the freedmen. Congress created the Freedman’s Bureau to aid these people who are in need. Little by little, though, the freedmen are gaining rights and becoming a bigger part of our society. Some are starting to buy and own land and have established new black organizations. The most prominent ones are the churches. Many people from all age groups are starting to attend schools as well. Even with their harsh entrance into society, they rejoice for their newly gained freedom.

As we all may know, the Vice President, Andrew Jackson, became President after Lincoln’s death. President Johnson’s pursued his reconstruction plan which he named Presidential Reconstruction. It pardoned southerners who swore allegiance to the Union, permitted each state to hold a constitutional convention, and required states to void secession, abolish slavery, and repudiate the Confederate debt. Then the states could hold elections and rejoin the Union. It is similar to President Lincoln’s reconstruction plan but Johnson’s plan is more generous to the South. The two plans both pardoned southerners that swore allegiance to the Union and hold elections then rejoin the Union. They also both permitted each state to hold a convention to create a new constitution, but Lincoln’s plan required 10% of voters in that state to have sworn allegiance to the Union while Johnson’s plan didn’t require any.

This period of Reconstruction has been very helpful to get our country back on it’s tracks. It is to be hoped that we will be able to fully recuperate from this war that has left many in distress.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Civilian Deaths Drop in Iraq

An obvious effect of war is death.
In Iraq, civilian death toll fell to it's lowest level since 2003. Eighty eight civilians were killed this month (the first time it has dropped under 100 since the 2003 U.S.-led invasions). The death toll in Iraq has been gradually falling for two years.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I Learned From the Videos in Class

Ken Burns Documentary
Civil War was fought in 10,000 places. Schoolhouses sheltered the dying. 7,000 men died in 12 minutes in Cold Harbor. The effects were devastating. The war made some rich and ruined others. Between 1861 and 1865, Americans made war against each other and killed each other. Many teenagers fought in the war because they thought it was cool and they were later honored after the war (the ones that survived). The last veteran died in 1959. In a historians point of view, the Civil War was about the higher ideals (changed pathway of country).

Slave Resistance
Slaves were maltreated and often separated from families when sold. They weren’t allowed to have meetings without a white person present.
The Underground Railroad was created by Harriet Tubman. It was a network of houses that the slaves stayed at until they reached Canada and were free. Harriet made 19 trips to free slaves. She also served as a union army spy.

Uncle Tom's Cabin
In the North, slavery didn’t affect the people until the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Your average northerner didn’t think that much about slavery since slavery was outlawed in the north. This book was about what slave life was like. The author put of this information and it had a similar effect as the common sense pamphlet. It stated that slavery violated Christian morals. She scorned American slave owners because she believed that God was the one to judge and that a country under God with these circumstances is a bad country. Parts of it were put in magazines and it was very popular after a while. Southerners hated this book and Northerners were interested. The book was used in the north to teach slaves why slavery should be abolished. Southerners tried to write pro slavery novels but they didn’t become that popular.

Northern Advantages vs Southern Advantages During the Civil War


The North had more railroad tracks than the south. This allowed them to move troops, food, and supplies quicker and easier. They also had more factories and were able to produce more supplies such as guns and shoes. The North was also wealthier than the South and already had a government and small army and navy. The population in the North was greater than the South so more men were available to fight and they would still be able to have sufficient labor force. The Northerners fought for their beliefs about slavery as well which attracted more volunteers. Since they had their navy, they were able to start naval blockades to cut the South off from their supplies.

The South had the majority of the military colleges, and most of the trained officers were Southerners and sided with the Confederacy. They also didn't need to begin any military action. They only had to have good defense so they wouldn't be beaten. The Southerners had fought to preserve their way of life, while the Northerners were fighting to restore unity to the nation.

Both sides had the advantage of having eager volunteers who wanted to participate in the war. They also both had new technology such as new bullets and rifles which allowed them to reload faster. They also had canisters which were filled with bullets. This new technology was also a disadvantage because it exposed their troops to slaughter.

Image Here

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Abolish Slavery!

Frederick Douglass was born into slavery and escaped from it. He wrote autobiographies and newspapers that opened America’s eyes to slavery. His writing also presented the idea of freeing slaves in America. He was a black abolitionist leader and lobbied for and recruited African American soldiers to fight for the Union Army. He was also the first African American to be nominated to be Vice President.

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery and escaped to become a passionate fighter for abolition. She helped free other slaves on the Underground Railroad. She rescued about 70 slaves in 11 years. She was also a spy in the Union Army during the civil war where she was a nurse and cook.

William Lloyd Garrison was one of the most influential abolitionist leaders. He had newspaper in which he argued for freedom for all people held in slavery. He publicly set fire to a copy of the constitution because it sanctioned slavery. He also founded the New-England Anti-slavery Society and the American Anti-Slavery Society.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Events Important to Our Study of the Civil War


Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was a plan to help maintain balance between the free and slave states in the Senate if they were to admit California to the United States as a free state. It consisted of five laws, two that favored the south and two that favored the North. These are the laws:
1) Congress would admit California into the Union as a free state.
2) The people of the New Mexico and Utah territories would decide for themselves whether to allow slavery. (popular sovereignty)
3) Congress would abolish the sale of enslaved people, but not slavery, in Washington, D.C.
4) Texas would give up claims to New Mexico for $10 million.
5) A Fugitive Slave Act would order all citizens of the United States to assist in the return of escaped slaves and would deny a jury trial to escaped slaves.
The Compromise of 1850 is important to our study of the Civil War because many people had opposed to it and it only helped them see their differences in opinion clearer which would lead to disputes later on. The south thought that the north would be controlling the Government if it's population grew because it would have more seats in the House.

Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act was introduced by Senator Stephen Douglas. It called for the creation of two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska, and stated that the people there would get to decide if they were to become free or slave states (popular sovereignty). The two territories were north of the boundary the Missouri Compromise had set. If the territories were to allow slavery, it would be the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was meant to please both the south and the north. Douglas knew the Southerners would accept it because there was a probability that they would be slave states. He also though that the Northerners would accept it because they thought that slaves weren't needed where cotton couldn't grow. This Act was passed by Congress.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act is important to our study of the Civil War because after it was passed, anti-slavery and pro-slavery settled in Kansas to effect the vote of weather the territory would be a free state. This led to violent raid and counter-raids. Therefore, this added to the tension between them that would soon lead to a Civil War.

Presidential Election of 1860
The presidential election of 1860 occurred when the North couldn't stand having a Southern leader and vice versa. It was clear that there were no national political parties. When the Democratic Party met in South Carolina to nominate it's candidate for President, the party broke in two because there were Southern Democrats who were for slavery and Northern Democrats who were for popular sovereignty. Eight Democratic states agreed to nominate their own candidate. Then there were the Whig and American Parties who formed to make the Constitutional Union Party and nominated John Bell. Then we had the Republic Party who nominated Abraham Lincoln who stood against the spread of slavery with moderate views on slavery as well.
In the South, the election was between Bell and Beckinridge. In the North, it was between Lincoln and Douglas. All the free states except for half of New Jersey were for Lincoln. He won the election without any votes from the South.
The Presidential election of 1860 is important to our study of the Civil War because it infuriated the Southerners that Lincoln was able to win without any votes from the South. They felt like they had no say in the government. This cause them to completely secede from the Union. It showed that their differences couldn't be solved easily. They didn't even consult the North showing their lack of willingness to talk and compromise. This is one of the final events that added to the tension between them that would lead to the Civil War.

Image Here

Friday, November 13, 2009

Expensive Medicine in Morocco


A new government body is going to be made to price medicine because the Ministry of Health is putting expensive prices on medicine. Name-brand and generic drugs are more expensive in Morocco than many other countries such as France and Tunisia. Not only that, but Doctors also prescribe the most expensive drugs. The procedures for setting these prices are said to be outdated. A lot of people cannot afford medicine, especially for people without health insurance. Manufacturers will be lowering prices but they need to be encouraged.
Information from here
Image from here

Monday, November 9, 2009

Non-Negotiable Situations


A non-negotiable situation is child labor. It should not be permitted. Many people around the world are against child labor but it is still occurring in some countries. Children are used to do work that adults can’t. It is not right to put children to work. Children should go to school and get an education. They are also payed very little which makes matters worse.

A non-negotiable situation that could happen in a teenager’s life is copying homework. Homework should not be copied. The person who did their homework worked hard on it and it wouldn’t be fair if someone just came up and copied it and didn’t do the work. Also, when you copy, you don’t learn which is the purpose of homework.
Image HERE

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where Would I Immigrate To?


After my university studies, I think I would immigrate to New York to live and work. I would immigrate there for many reasons. First of all, I would like to be a fashion magazine editor and New York a fashion capital. There are many job opportunities in this field there. I would also immigrate there because the American government gives people a lot of freedom and the government is in their favor. New York has a wide range of religions, but most all cultures are accepted. Since it's a fashion capital, people there in general dress according to the current fashion. It's also interesting to observe how people dress because that also influences fashion. New York is not only a fashion capital, but a very popular city.
The early Americans that lived in the colonies/states had similar reasons for moving. They also wanted better economic opportunities and jobs. They felt that their future was in the west.
Image here

Monday, November 2, 2009

Political Parties in Morocco

There are 29 political parties in Morocco. The main ones are the Istiqlal Party (PI), Party of Justice and Development (PJD), Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP), Popular Movement (MP), Constitutional Union Party (UC), and the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM).

Istiqlal Party:
-conservative monarchist party
-holds nationalist views
-main political force struggling for the independence of Morocco
-I think that the general public (the people) support this party.

Party of Justice and Development:
-largest opposition political party in Morocco
-promotes Islamism and Islamic democracy
-I think that old-fashioned and religious people support this party.

Socialist Union of Popular Forces:
- governs in coalition with Istiqlal
-formed as a breakaway from another political party that had previously split from Istiqlal
-I think that people who agree with the reasons why they broke away from Istiqlal will support this party.

Popular Movement:
-conservative liberal party (combining the belief in the importance of individual freedom with the fundamental parts of a culture and traditional practices).
-I think the general public and majority of the population will support this party.

Constitutional Union:
-conservative liberal party
-aligned with the ruling monarchy
-I think the general public that support the king will support this party.

Authenticity and Modernity Party:
-reportedly an attempt by King Mohammed VI's allies to create a strong political party to strengthen his power in Morocco.
-other political parties merged into it
-I think only the people who favor the king and work closely with him will support this party.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

American Politics

Jefferson and Hamilton had very different viewpoints. Hamilton believed in strong national power and he didn't have faith in the people. He also favored a loose construction of the Constitution meaning that he thought that the government could use implied powers of the Constitution to do anything as long as they weren't prohibited by the Constitution. He also thought that America should pay back the debts gained during the Revolutionary War by putting taxes on whiskey and on imported goods. Jefferson, on the other hand, had more faith in the people than he had in the government. He favored a strict construction of the Constitution meaning that he believed that the government should use implied powers only when it was necessary. Jefferson thought that Hamilton was betraying the ideals of the American Revolution because Hamilton was taking away some of the liberties of the American people that they had worked hard for.

A political party is a group of people who seek to win elections and hold public office in order to control government policy and programs. The first political parties were the Federalists an the Jeffersonian Republicans, who were state leaders who promoted resistance to the Federalists.

John Adams' presidency was very difficult for him because he had to deal with and mend situations that occurred during Washington's presidency. He had to deal with the parties that were new to the country and the feuding between them. Also, he had to deal with the consequences of making a treaty with Britain. The French were angry that America made a treaty with Britain. Adams tried to solve this by sending officials to Paris but this only resulted in more controversy and eventually an undeclared war.

Jefferson's presidency in his first term was satisfying for both political parties. The first thing he did was reduce the influence of the government in the Americans' lives by undoing some of the acts of the Federalists like reducing taxes, cutting the size of the federal bureaucracy, and reducing the size of the army. This was in favor of the Republicans. He also let some of the Federalist's acts be like letting the Bank of the United States function. This was in favor of the Federalists. Pleasing both parties was a good move, because he later won reelection. One of the last things John Adams did before leaving office was to appoint John Marshall as Chief Justice and William Marbury as justice of the peace for the District of Colombia. This angered Jefferson because he wanted to appoint judges from his own party. So Jefferson had James Madison never deliver the papers to give Marbury official authority. Marbury sued Madison and wanted the Supreme Court to make Madison let him take his office. Marshal decided that the Supreme Court couldn't make this order to the executive branch. It was unconstitutional. This was a victory for Jefferson and the Supreme Court because it established judicial review. Judicial review helped make laws more fair. Jefferson also bought Louisiana from France which increased America's size as well as it's debt. Jefferson convinced Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807 which made most trade with foreign countries illegal when Jay's Treaty expired and America was being threatened by Britain and France. This ruined Jefferson's second term because it hurt Americans who made their living through trade.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is the link to my mindmeister about James Madison.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Water on the Moon?


On October 9th, NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, LCROSS, launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and created twin impacts on the surface on the moon to look for water ice. The Centaur was the first to impact the moon and LCROSS followed looking for water in debris caused by this first impact. A debris cloud was expected to rise from the first impact, but none were apparent in the pictures sent back by the spacecraft. Scientists are currently analyzing the data provided by the LCROSS mission. No conclusions were made yet, so we will have to wait for the results.
Image here

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Constitution and Bill of Rights


1st Amendment.
The 1st Amendment states five liberties. The first is the freedom of religion which protects religious practice and makes sure the church doesn't interfere with the state. The second and third liberties are the freedom of speech and press. These are rights to speak, publish, and express one's views. The fourth and fifth liberties are the rights of assembly and petition. These are rights to join with associations to discuss public affairs and influence public policy.
I think this is important because it's about general freedoms that can help a society. It's important that one can practice the religion that they want. It's also important that people can speak freely.

13th Amendment.
The 13th Amendment forbids slavery in the United States except as a punishment for a crime in which not all forms are allowed.
I think this is really important because it ends slavery in the United States. It could have influenced other nations to do so as well.

19th Amendment.
The 19 Amendment states that no one can be denied the right to vote in any election in the U.S. because of their sex.
I think this is important because it is a start to women rights. It's very important that there is no discrimination of women. Women should have the same rights as men. I think this was a turning point in history.

Article III, Section 2, Clause 3
This states that a person accused of a federal crime has the right to trial by jury and that the trial will be held in the state that the crime was committed in.
I think this is important because you have many points of view and opinions that decide if your guilty or innocent instead of just one person. This helps make more sensible and accurate decisions that will put people in their right place.

Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1
This states that only Congress can add States to the Union. A new State can't be made by taking territory from an existing State without consent of the State's legislature.
I think this is important because it can prevent war within the nation. States wouldn't be able to conquer other states. It assures peace.
Images here and here

British Colonists in America Defeat Britain


The colonists were able to defeat the greatest world power of their time because of the tension between Britain and the colonies, the idea of a revolution, and the help they got in the Revolutionary War.
After the French and Indian War, the British didn't treat the colonists as equals. Great Britain was in debt and needed money and they decided to tax the colonists. They first established the Sugar Act and Quartering Act. Colonists complained about these but they didn't really resist them. Then, the Stamp Act came along and the colonists reacted badly and boycotted English goods. The Townshend Acts were then established which led to protest and violence. The colonists had no representative in parliament and this upset them a lot too. Events such as the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party followed. Then, the colonist started getting ideas about being independent and breaking free from British rule. They then put their foot down wrote the Declaration of Independence.
The British and colonists then started fighting in the Revolutionary War. With the help of France and Spain. The war was ended with the Treaty of Paris in which Great Britain recognized the independence of the colonies.
Image Here

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Early Human Rights

Popular Sovereignty:
Popular sovereignty is when the people in a republic are supreme and the political authority in the society comes from the will and approval of the subject population. The government is of, by, and for the people.

Natural Rights:
Natural Rights are rights that are considered part of human nature and cannot be taken away. The rights grow out of nature of being a human and are essential to human progress. They are different from rights given to people by law because natural rights are universal whereas legal rights are politically relative.

Right of Self Determination:
The right of self determination is the right of a free choice of ones own acts and the right to decide how they want to be governed without influences of a country or outside force. In other words, it's the freedom of people to determine their own political status.

Right to Revolution:
The right to revolution simply means that the subjects of a state have a right to overthrow their government or revolt if the government does not fulfill its duties.

Social Contract:
A social contract is an agreement that people of a society make to protect their natural rights. In this agreement the people give up some of their freedom to the government so that they can protect their natural rights.

I chose this order of importance because it was the most sensible to me. I think the most important is that the government is for the people because that leads to getting rights. The second most important is natural rights. I think it is important that there is a basis for the rights that can't be taken away. The third most important is the right of self determination. I think it's important to make free decisions. It shows that the people somewhat independent. The forth most important is the right of revolution. It's important because if all else goes wrong, the people can just revolt and overthrow the government. Last but not least is the social contract. I don't see why the people should give up their freedom since that's what their trying to gain, but i do think it's important to preserve their natural rights.
Image via

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Mercantilism is the theory that the more precious metals a country has, the wealthier and more powerful it is. In this theory, the country should try to gain as much precious metals as possible. If the country doesn't have a source or mines to get the bullion from, it would have to trade and have greater export and little import to have a favorable balance of trade. Mercantilists believed that nations should have colonies. Through these colonies it would gain wealth by buying raw materials and selling products. Colonies couldn't trade or engage in manufacturing with other countries, only the parent country. Only the parent country could engage in manufacturing, since it was a major source of profit. On top of that, colonial ships had to be used to transport the raw materials.
In the 1600's, mercantilism was England's economic relationship with its colonies. The English found out that they could sell the raw materials that they receive from their colonies. Also they had the colonies buy their manufactured goods. Since the English benefited so much economically from the colonies, they tried to establish as many colonies possible.

Migration and Morocco

What are different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco?
Moroccans migrate away from Morocco to get a better education than the one that is offered. This is a major part of migration. Also, to start careers. Some elder people leave to join their kids in foreign countries. Another reason is to get married. There are many Moroccans that leave Morocco to marry foreigners.

What are possible different groups and what are their reasons?
The first group would be scholars that migrate to get a better education and people searching for jobs. Another group would be people who's ideas were rejected in a society that is not open to new ideas. People could also migrate because they don't have the technology required in their field of work.

Who is migrating to Morocco? Why?
Many French people migrate to Morocco to take advantage of business opportunities. Businesspeople start projects here because there is a lot of vacant land. Foreigners come here to experience Moroccan life and learn about the culture. Elder foreigners migrate here to retire (mostly in Marrakesh).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fashion Podcast: Diane von Furstenberg


The podcast I chose for my assignment is a fashion podcast. It was about designer Diane von Furstenberg's Spring 2010 fashion show. The collection was very colorful consisting of many wrap dresses that are in style. She also had many playful bags that went with the dresses. She uses many prints that pop out. The best thing about her collection, is that it's suitable for all ages.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Colonization in Morocco


There are a lot of effects of colonization in Morocco. The most obvious one is language. French has become the main language for Moroccans aside from Arabic. Another effect is clothing. People dress in modern European Clothing as well as their own traditional clothing. Also, architecture is an effect of colonization. Modern buildings are being built and new techniques are being used to build these. Even the head of companies are foreign.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why Study History?

1. History helps us understand people, cultures, and societies that came before us. Doing this, we can help make a better future.
2. We can learn from mistakes in the past. We can avoid the trouble of reliving something that has happened in the past.
3. It gives us a better understanding of how countries of the world change over time and how we can have a good influence on it as it continues to change.

History has affected me by giving me a deeper understanding of how things came to be. I know that we are the ones that create our future and that we have to make good decisions, no matter how hard it might be, because a little mistake can have big consequences in the future.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


ESPRAT is a guideline that will help us while looking at changes in societies that we will be studying about. Using the questions provided by ESPRAT we will have a deeper understanding of the changes that are going on and understand that society in depth.

Sudanese Woman Sent to Jail for Wearing Pants


A Sudanese woman, who was also a journalist, was jailed for wearing pants in Khartoum. Ms Hussein could have been released on bail but wanted to stand up for woman rights.

Other women protesters that were wearing trousers were arrested and then released on bail. Ms. Hussein was arrested along with 12 other women wearing pants. Some of the 12 women were given 10 lashes. Even Christian and animist south women in that group were lashed. Islamic law isn't supposed to apply to non-Muslims, even in the city of Khartoum.


She was freed from a one month sentence after one day when the Union of Journalists paid the fine.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Skills for Life

"What skills do adults need in their family, work, and community lives?"

My father told me that adults need mechanical skills, medical skills, cooking skills, computer skills, and organizational skills.
They also have to have respect, recognition, responsibility, and involvement in their lives.

Five Main Reasons Why Students Should Blog

1. You can share your ideas with people other than the ones in your classroom.
2. Parent's can easily see your progress.
3. You can work easier with other students through blogging.
4. You're motivated to work because you can do it in an exciting and creative way.
5. You can learn without the pressure in a classroom.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Goals for the School Year

One of my goals for the school year is to not leave things for the last minute. I have a big problem with this and i hope i can overcome it. Another goal of mine is to exceed grade level expectations most of my subjects. I also want to try to be more excited about school and assignments. I can't wait to acomplish my goals!