Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Crystal Cave in Mexico

In the year 2000, miners miners working in the Naica silver mine broke through the wall of the cavern to find the biggest crystals on earth. Entering the caves is very dangerous because inside, it is 50 degrees Celsius and 100 % humidity. When you breathe in these circumstances, fluid in your lungs start to condense and can kill after about 10 minutes. Professor Iain Stewart got to visit this cave containing gypsum crystal that were longer than 10 meters. In order to enter the cave, the professor had to wear a cooling suit and needed to have a doctor with him waiting outside of the cave. Only a handful of geologists were able to study this cave. "Despite all the dangers, my overwhelming memory is the sheer beauty of the place." wrote the professor. For the people who run the Naica mine, though, the cave is not so important so sooner or later they will take out the pumps and the cave will flood. He suggests that many other crystal caves might be waiting to be discovered.

Image and Story source HERE


S.Mohamed said...

I like the way you used your picture to present what you found.

Sophia said...

I love your blog design and I thought that this current event was very interesting. :)

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